Symmetric Defense

A Smarter Way to Secure Your Business

A holistic, expert-driven approach to security across your attack surface 


Defend Your Attack Surface Symmetrically

The world of cybersecurity is full of confusing terms like WAF, VPN, IAM, ZTA, and more.  And you could integrate all of this innovative technology and still be exposed. 

True security comes from understanding your specific risks and building a balanced, responsive defense plan. Here's how:

  • Know Your Weaknesses: Rather than chasing the latest trends, analyze your systems to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Focus on Mitigation: Create a plan to address those vulnerabilities.
  • Everyone Plays a Part: Security is a team effort. Make sure everyone in your organization and supply chain is aware of cyber threats, and their role in preventing breaches.

Remember, a strong security chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Our Symmetric Defense philosophy is a holistic security strategy that considers your organization's defense posture from every angle—people, processes, and infrastructure. It's not just about deploying the latest gadgets; it's about crafting and maintaining a cohesive strategy that considers your entire attack surface. And it extends beyond your organization's walls, encompassing your entire supply chain.

We work closely with you to ensure that defensive policies are synchronized across all touchpoints. By taking a comprehensive, adaptable approach to cybersecurity, we can help you build the defenses that protect your organization from real threats.

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Our services and solutions which follow the Symmetric Defense philosophy provide tangible benefits: 

  • Comprehensive Protection: We can address every aspect of your security posture, from your people and processes to your IT infrastructure. We consider your entire attack surface, including your supply chain, to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Tailored Solutions: Your business is unique. We adapt to your specific needs and threats to provide the security solutions that work for you.
  • Proactive Preparation: We believe in being ready for the worst. Our strategies help you detect, contain, and mitigate breaches quickly, minimizing damage. We also work with developers to build security into their products from the start.
  • Data-Driven Approach: Our methods are based on scientific principles and ongoing research. We stay ahead of the curve by actively contributing to industry standards and maintaining relevant lab certifications.
  • Expert Guidance: We bring together a team of cybersecurity professionals with a wide range of experience, and foster partnerships with our clients to apply that expertise effectively.

Don't settle for a patchwork approach to security. Leverage the Palindrome Technologies team to gain comprehensive, adaptable, and data-driven solutions which keep your business safe.


Build Your Symmetric Defense.